모든 포스팅 보기224 CXU3-1 (430.0-450.0 MHz) CXU3-1 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU3-1 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU3-1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of brass. CXU3-1 is sold worldwide during more than four decades. The antenna is subject for improvement at all times. The antenn.. 2013. 11. 22. CXU3 (450.0 - 470.0 MHz) CXU3 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU3 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU3 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of brass. CXU3 is sold worldwide during more than four decades. The antenna is subject for improvement at all times. The antenna has th.. 2013. 11. 22. CXU1-8 (430.0-450.0 MHz) CXU1-8 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU1-8 is for use with Tetra applications. The CXU1-8 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of brass. CXU1-8 is sold worldwide during more than four decades. The antenna is subject for improvement at all times. The antenna has the same rugged design as all other AC Marine a.. 2013. 11. 22. CXU1-5 (380.0-400.0 MHz) CXU1-5 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU1-5 is for use with Tetra applications. The CXU1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of brass. CXU1 is sold worldwide during more than four decades. The antenna is subject for improvement at all times. The antenna has the same rugged design as all other AC Marine anten.. 2013. 11. 22. CXU1(450.0-470.0 MHz) CXU1 is an omnidirectional dipole antenna. The CXU1 is for use with radio telephone, two-way business radio and many other UHF applications. The CXU1 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Radiating elements are made of brass. CXU1 is sold worldwide during more than four decades. The antenna is subject for improvement at all times. The antenna has th.. 2013. 11. 22. 해양대학교 산학협력업무협약 한국해양대학교 해사대학 및 해사산업연구소 2013년도 산학협력업무협약식 2013. 10. 30. KORMARINE 2013 알파트론 베스트셀러 해양안테나 2종 소개 알파트론(ALPHATRON 대표 김현경, www.alphatron.co.kr)은 10월 22일부터 25일까지 부산전시컨벤션센터(벡스코, BEXCO)에서 열리는 KORMALINE 2013(국제 조선 및 해양 산업전)에 참가해 베스트셀러 해상용 안테나 2종(CX4, KUM803DM)을 소개했다. CX4(VHF안테나)는 1.26m 길이와 100W의 고출력, 3dB의 고이득을 지닌 프리미엄 안테나로 CE(유럽인증)을 획득했으며, 영하40도에서 영상60도까지 열악한 환경에도 동작한다. 자활 데크 장착을 위해 설계된 KUM803DM(HF/SSB안테나)은 레저 및 상업선박의 자 동 안테나 튜닝시스템을 위한 전방향 HF 송수신기 안테나로, 자극적 부식이 방지되는 게 특징이다. 회사 관계자는 "해양의 열악한 기상조건에서.. 2013. 10. 30. CX1191D Deuterium Thyratron ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron of ruggedised construction,suitable for use in airborne or mobile military radar systems. It isused for switching peak powers up to 8.0 MW at high repetition rates under a wide range of operating conditions. It has arugged, internally connected reservoir. Samples are subjected to extensive environmental test procedures including vibration at 2g fr.. 2013. 9. 13. CELmar2-2(156.0-162.5 MHz) CELmar2-2 is a lightweight fibreglass omnidirectional antenna. The CELmar2-2 is manufactured in premium quality materials in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. The CELmar2-2 fits 1”-14 thread mounts directly. CELmar2-2 is sold worldwide during more than three decades. The antenna is subject for improvement at all times. The antenna has the same rugged design as all other AC Marine antennas thu.. 2013. 8. 19. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 25 다음