B3JC16604 RF Receivers Parts List(RF 리시버) E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) MDS (dBm typical) Noise figure (dB max) Power supplies B3IM16161 9.3 - 9.5 -100 4.7 +15, +5, -15 4 bandwidths, perfomance monitoring, AFC B3IM16171 9.1 - 9.3 -100 4.7 +15, +5, -5.2 Frequency variant of B3IM1616 2011. 8. 16. Noise generators Parts List(노이즈 제너레이터) E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) ENR (dB max) Incident power pulsed, 1µs (kW max) Power supplies B3NG1639 8.8 - 9 15 60 +21 V, 0 - 25 mA Waveguide (WG16) cal. frequency 8900 GHz B3NG1641 9.3 - 9.5 15 60 +21 V, 0 - 25 mA Waveguide (WG16), cal. frequency 9.375 GHz B3NG1642 9.3 - 9.5 15 60 +21 V, 0 - 25 mA Waveguide (WG16), cal. frequency 9.410 GHz B3NG1004 3000 - 3100 15 60 +24 V, 0 - 30 mA Waveguide .. 2011. 8. 16. Front ends Parts List(프론트엔드) E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) Gain (dB min) Noise figure (dB max) Power supplies B7RX1001 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +12 V, Vr 4 - 24 V IF output BNC female, filtered power supplies B7RX1002 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +12 V, Vt 4-24 V Feedthrough pin connectors B7RX1008 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +12 V, Vt 4-24 V IF output BNC female, RF input filter B3RX1612 9.3 - 9.5 2.5 3.5 +5 V, Vt 4-24 V PCB edge connector B3RX1613 9.36 - 9.. 2011. 8. 16. Circulators Parts List(서큘레이터) e2v technologies manufacture Ferrite Devices operation from 350 MHz to 120 GHz, for a wide variety of applications from low cost marine radar to state-of-the-art military devices. Standard units are available in regular waveguide sizes and some special sizes. e2v technologies offer circulators and isolators as stand-alone units and also as part of an integrated microwave package. They all come w.. 2011. 8. 16. 이전 1 다음