공지사항 목록
공지글갯수 12
방수/방폭 _용어 정리
1. 유럽전기 표준위원회 CENELEC (European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization) 에서 정하고 규정 (EN50014)에 의한 방폭 등급은 아래와 같다. [ Table A ] [ Table B ] 폭발성있는 가스 환경에서 사용목적의 전기기구 Symbol의 조합 일반심볼 EEx 방폭 전기기구 폭발그룹 l 광산 가스용 전기기구 ll 광산용 이외의 잠재적 폭발성 환경용의 전기기구 보호유형 o 기름침전 (Oil immersion) p 압력용기 (Pressurized apparatus) q 화약내재 (Powder filling) d 방화 housing (Flameproof enclosure) e 증가 안전 (Increased safety) l 본질 안전..
2013. 1. 16.
E2V 마그네트론 리스트
Part No. Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (kW) Peak Anode Voltage (kV) Peak Anode Current (A) MG5315 3040 - 3060 12 5.8 5 MG5223F 3040 - 3060 30 8 8 MG5267 3025 - 3075 56 9 15 MG5240 3025 - 3075 60 9.3 15 MG5353 9380 - 9440 1.5 2 2 MG4004 9380 - 9440 4 3.7 3 MG5328A 9415 - 9475 4 3.7 3 MG5238B 9415 - 9475 4 3.7 3 MG5243 9415 - 9475 4 3.7 3 MG5248 9380 - 9440 4 3.7 3 MG5251 9380 - 9440 4 3.7 3 MG5388 9..
2012. 6. 20.
E2V 싸이러트론 리스트
We have an extensive thyratron range, suitable for most LINAC machines. The original equipment manufacturers only approve e2v valves for service replacement. E2V Part No. Peak Anode Voltag Peak Current (kA) Maximum Average Current(A) 8503AF 20 0.325 0.5 8503AG 20 0.325 0.5 8503B 20 0.325 0.5 CX1140 25 1 1.25 CX1140A 25 1 1.25 CX1140L 25 1 1.25 CX1140LD 25 1 1.25 CX1140LE 25 1 1.25 CX1154 40 3 2 ..
2012. 6. 20.
Radar 마그네트론 호환 List
Radar Magnetron Corss References List Equivalent Type Request Type MG5435 2J55 MG5289 2J70A MG5267 2J70B 9M31 9M31 9M40 9M40 9M65 9M502/E3526 9M72 9M72 M1437A M1437A MG5264 9M72 or M1454 MG5256 M1310 MG5222 M1311L MG5239 M1311L M5187F M1325L MG5424 M1458A M1461 M1461 M1489 M1489 MG5223 M1555 MG5218 M1568B MG5424 M1568B MG5437 M1568B MG5388 MAF1421B MG5388C MAF1421BN MG5353 MAF1452B MG4006 MAF156..
2012. 6. 20.
Linac 마그네트론 & 호환 List
E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) Peak Power (kW) M5028 2852 - 2861 5500 MG6363 2852 - 2861 5500 MG6028 2852 - 2861 5500 MG5125 2993 - 3002 2000 MG5125P 2993 - 3002 2000 MG5125X 2993 - 3002 2000 MG5167 Obsolete, use MG5193 MG5193 2992 - 3001 2600 MG5349 Obsolete, use MG6090 MG5349M 2992 - 3001 3100 MG6090 2993 - 3002 3100 Magnetron type number cross-reference table Generic type Varian Siemens Elekta ..
2012. 6. 20.
Linac 마그네트론 악세서리 & 마그넷
E2V Part No. Used on Description MG6062 MG5125, MG5125P, MG5125X, MG5193, MG6060 Water cooled electromagnet MG6053 MG5349, MG6090 Water cooled electromagnet MG6030 MG5028, MG6028 Water cooled electromagnet and transition to UG-53/U M4152S MG5125, MG5125P, MG5125X, MG5193, MG6060 Transition section to WG10/WR284 rectangular flange CPR284F MA761 M5028 Radiation absorber MG6016 MG6028 Radiation abs..
2012. 6. 20.
써큘레이터 Products List
e2v technologies manufacture Ferrite Devices operation from 350 MHz to 120 GHz, for a wide variety of applications from low cost marine radar to state-of-the-art military devices. Standard units are available in regular waveguide sizes and some special sizes. e2v technologies offer circulators and isolators as stand-alone units and also as part of an integrated microwave package. They all come w..
2012. 6. 20.
프론트엔드 Products List
E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) Gain (dB min) Noise figure (dB max) Power supplies B7RX1001 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +12 V, Vr 4 - 24 V IF output BNC female, filtered power supplies B7RX1002 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +12 V, Vt 4-24 V Feedthrough pin connectors B7RX1008 3.02 - 3.08 6 3 +12 V, Vt 4-24 V IF output BNC female, RF input filter B3RX1612 9.3 - 9.5 2.5 3.5 +5 V, Vt 4-24 V PCB edge connector B3RX1613 9.36 - 9..
2012. 6. 20.
노이즈 제네레이터 List
A range of solid-state noise generators is available, covering the X-band frequency range. Basic functions can be adapted to suit individual needs, as can the mechanical package outline. Variants for both low and high RF power applications can be supplied. They may also be used as power detectors to provide system performance monitoring. E2V Part No. Frequency (MHz) ENR (dB max) Incident power p..
2012. 6. 20.
RF 리시버 Products List
e2v technologies manufactures Integrated Microwave Packages (IMPs) for radars between L-band and Ka-band. IMPs combine a range of microwave elements in a single package customized to the user's requirements and providing optimum microwave performance. The microwave elements can include duplexer circulators, isolators, filters, power monitoring facilities, noise generators, receiver protectors an..
2012. 6. 20.
Linac Magnetron & Thyratron
Applications Manufacturer Model Magnetron Thyratron AECL Therac 6 MG5125X CX1180 Therac 25 MG5193 CX1559 BMEI Bj-4 MG5125 CX1140 Bj-6/80 MG5125 CX1140 Bj-6/100 MG5193 CX1140 Varian (formerly BBC Raytech) Dynaray CH-4 MG5125 CX1140 Dynaray CH-6 MG5125 CX1140 Dynaray CH-10 MG5125 CX1140 Mitsubishi EXL 14 & 22 CX1559 NEC NELAC 6MeV MG5125X Elekta (formerly Philips MEL) SL48 MG5125P CX1140 SL75-5 MG..
2012. 6. 1.
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2011. 7. 21.