Medical Parts
Alphatron Medical Linac (선형가속기)
2012. 6. 20. 17:48
Alphatron Electronic Parts B.V. and e2v technologies have formed a strategic partnership for
after sales support of linear accelerator tube spares. For the customers, hospitals, this means there's a clear and accessible global point of contact for purchasing the Linac magnetrons
and thyratrons when immediate delivery is required.
Alphatron and e2v have a 25-year relationship, of which Linac magnetrons and thyratrons
have been a part for over 20 years.
알파트론 그룹은 E2V사와 20년이상 전략적인 파트너쉽과 릴레이션쉽을 가지고
선형가속기(Linac)의 부속품인 마그네트론 및 사이렉트론(Thyratron)을 공급해왔습니다.
상시 재고를 확보해 있어서 최단시간에 공급이 가능합니다.